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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

birthday of esther

Friday it was the birthday of esther, she is one of the instructors at the fitness center and helped me to loose a lot of weight and thanks to her I go every day to the fitness center. So i knew it was her birthday so i bought a ring for her and my mom some flowers and before the lesson started my mom and i put the flowers and the ring on the stage and when she came in side the room and saw the presents on the stage she was very happy we did not forget her birthday :-)


  • At 2:19 AM, Blogger witherandgrow said…

    That is so nice! It's good you didn't forget her birthday. :) And the gifts sound really nice! :)

  • At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How nice!! :)
    You're lucky to have such a nice instructer... Well and she too, to have such nice people in her classes ;)

    I love the photos! :D


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