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Sunday, January 21, 2007

slangenbeekloop 2007

When i woke up it was raining and today it was my first run at the slangenbeekrun and i would be running the 6km and my mom the 10km. i was very nervous cause i did not know what will be going to happen. my mom went by car to get our start numbers at the neighbourhood centre where the start also will be. around 11 o'clock we started. first the 6km started and a bit later my mom started the 10km. when we started every one started running very fast and their were not that many so i thought that i would be the last so i runned and runned and runned and in my head i was thinking why i run in this rainy and cold weather and i could be at the fitness centre doing pump and combat but no i'm running and its raining and cold so i runned faster, we also had to run a little in the woods no fun at all. the last km i runned faster and when i arrived at the finish i did 6km in 42minutes so for the first time i was very happy :-) and i was happy i was back at the neighbourhood centre and could get tea and bread :-) i found out my eldest brother and his father-in-law also did the 10km like my mom did.


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