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Sunday, February 04, 2007

2nd Woolderes Loop 2007

this morning i woke up and i eat something and than my mom picked me up and we went by car to the woolderes cause their we had our woolderes run. I did the 5,1km and my mom the 10km. at a school we had to get our start number and than we had to walk to the start. at 11 o'clock the 15 and 10 km started and a few seconds later the 5,1km started it. I did very well, we had to run twice the same road and when i saw the finish i runned much faster and i did better than last time just in 32minutes i runned the 5,1km so thats very good :-) so now wait till the 25th of februari for the second woolderes run :-)


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