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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Body Combat demonstration

This afternoon we had a combat demonstration at a tennis court in delden. after the combat lesson at the fitness this morning the people that were going to participate at the demonstration sit together and drink some coffee or tea and talked a bit talk a bit till 13:30 and than we left from the fitness by cars to delden to the tennis court. When we arrived at the tennis court we dronk some coffee or tea as well. Around 14:00 we started the combat demonstration and did a few tracks from the combat so that was fun. lucky the weather was good too, the sun was shining and it started to get warm during the demonstration. Cor (the husband of esther) made pictures on the diffrent photo camera's and richard (my brother) filmed the combat demonstration. after we got some limonade to drink and relax for a while and talked and than we left all back to our homes.


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