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Saturday, March 31, 2007

out for diner with some of my family

this evening we went out for diner. well i first thought i went out for diner with only my parents but when we came at the restaurant my parents asked for a table for 7 persons so i thought why we need a table for 7 when we are with the 3 of us so my mom told me that my eldest brother albert, his wife karen and their two boys also came to have diner with us so that was a nice surprise. when they arrived at the restaurant we started to get ourself some food. my two nephews wanted to play with their game boys and did not eat much at all, well they are just kids :-) we all enjoyed the diner that evening.

after diner we left to the house of albert and karen. my parents and they went to play a card game till late at night and me and stef played computer games till stef had to go to sleep than i watched some movie but i was a little tired to watch that movie.I was happy when they finally finised that card game and when we could leave back home.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Birthday of my brother richard and little of mine as well

this evening we will going to celebrate the birthday of my brother richard and little of mine too. My brother albert, his wife karen and their two boys stef and lars will be coming over for a while and the two sons of the girlfriend of richard will be coming over too. we will celebrate the birthday party at my parents place. Stef, Lars and me were almost the whole evening till Stef and Lars had to leave home playing games on the game boys. The others were just sitting and talking to each other.............blablablabla and eating snacks that were on the table. Pooki, the dog of richard was running around like grazy to get a little attention from everyone. Lars really liked Pooki a lot and played with Pooki.

Richard has his birthday on tuesday 27th of march, he will return 38 years old. My birthday will be on wednesday 4th of april and i will be 29 years old than.
It's nice to have the family all together for once in a while like this evening.

Body Combat demonstration

This afternoon we had a combat demonstration at a tennis court in delden. after the combat lesson at the fitness this morning the people that were going to participate at the demonstration sit together and drink some coffee or tea and talked a bit talk a bit till 13:30 and than we left from the fitness by cars to delden to the tennis court. When we arrived at the tennis court we dronk some coffee or tea as well. Around 14:00 we started the combat demonstration and did a few tracks from the combat so that was fun. lucky the weather was good too, the sun was shining and it started to get warm during the demonstration. Cor (the husband of esther) made pictures on the diffrent photo camera's and richard (my brother) filmed the combat demonstration. after we got some limonade to drink and relax for a while and talked and than we left all back to our homes.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

4th Woolderes Loop 2007 and the last one :-(

This morning when i woke up i got dressed in my running clothes. i looked outside and the weather was good. the sun was shining and it promised to be a warm spring day :-) i eat some yoghurt and a banana and went out with my dog rocky than i walked to my mom's house to see if she was ready for the last and 4th woolderes run and she was lucky almost ready to go. we took the car and drove to the place we started the run. first we had to get our numbers for the race. At 11:00 the 15km and 10km started the race and than a few minutes later the 5km started and some minutes later the 1,4km and those are only kids that run ofcourse.
when i started the race i runned and runned and said some times this sentence "Never give up" or quit? Never.......and that helped me a lot ofcourse. When i came at the finish i was tired and happy i made it again. I runned the 5km in 30:47minutes so that's better than the last time. my total time is 1:34:34 minutes and from the category Vsen (woman) i'm on the 24 out of 83 people that are my age and they are only girls so boys. my mom has runned the 10km in 58:25minutes and her total time is 3:00:30minuten and from the category Vvet (woman) she is on the 64 out of 225 people from her age. so we both did very good. well its sad but this was the last woolderes run for this year so up to next year's woolderes run and hopefully i will be running the 10km by than. I'm happy i got the opportunity to run the woolderes loop and i will be going to miss it.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Some pictures of Poeki

richard gave me some pictures of his dog Poeki so here by i put some on my site.