5e Marikenloop in Nijmegen
This morning when i woke up i put on my running clothes again and started to get ready for the marikenloop in nijmegen. when my mom was finished she came to my place to see if i was ready and i was almost ready so she took out the dog and left back to her house. when i was totally ready i left to my moms house and my mom and i went by car to nijmegen. when we arrived in nijmegen we looked for an parking place and went to the start where we sit down and wait and get ourselfs ready, putting the start numbers on and our water on too and get my watch and heartmetre on and went for the last time to the toilet ofcourse. At 12:30 or something every one that did the 5km had a warming up together but you could not see this person very well who did the warming up so everyone just did something diffrent at last so that was fun too see. around 13:00 we started the race. i runned the 5km in 28minutes so that is very good for me cause on thursday i got sick and yesterday it was the first time i was up all day again. when i was back at the finish my mom had to get ready for the warming up and the 10km run so i had to be very quick to get over to her so that was a little bit no fun. my mom runned the 10km in 1hour. when she was over the finish we drink some coffee and eat something and than went to the car and drove back home. when we were at home we went out for diner to the chinese restaurant to celebrate our running race.
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